Dsdtse For Mac

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The Differentiated System Description Table is the main table in the ACPI part of a computer's BIOS.

Dsdt Se Mac Download


本站提供DSDTFixer For Mac(dsdt自动修复错误软件)下载,DSDTFixer是一款可以自动修复dsdt错误的一款工具,这个是最新版本,运行后就可以修改dsdt中的错误警等信息了,主要适用于黑苹果用户使用,小编还为大家简单整理了DSDTFixer的使用教程供大家参考。. Autodesk provides many native Mac products for 3D modeling, CAD, rendering, animation, VFX, and digital imagery. In addition, we provide full support for a number of products when used on the Mac in virtualized environments including Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion. DSDTSE is a simple editor for mac, aimed to help you solve your DSDT problems and add common hacks to it. It will not do automatic patching, you have to manually add the fixes or hacks so a minimun skill is needed (normal skill should be ok to begin with). A Hackintosh with Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Lion installed: DSDT Editor is a Mac app, so you have to install Mac OS X on your Hackintosh beforehand. If your Hackintosh isn't fully set up yet, you can boot Mac OS X with iBoot, Unibeast, or some other temporary solution for now.

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) defines a large number of tables that provide the interface between an ACPI-compliant operating system and system firmware. These allow description of system hardware in a platform-independent manner in ACPI Machine Language (AML).

The problem is that OS X has an incomplete ACPI implementation which supports only a subset of DSDT. Modifying the DSDT allows the user to better support their hardware. For example, fixing Time Machine and the UUID 35 error is possible after modifying the DSDT.

DSDTSE is a simple editor for mac, aimed to help you solve your DSDT problems and add common hacks to it.

To patch your DSDT, you must either use a new table file that someone else has provided, or extract and modify your own. Then tell your bootloader to use the new DSDT file instead of the BIOS. On a few motherboards it is also possible to replace the BIOS with an updated BIOS with a patched DSDT.

[edit]Extracting DSDT from BIOS

Dsdtse For Mac Os

One of the simplest ways to extract your DSDT from your BIOS is by using DSDT Editor. Once you have downloaded DSDT Editor, open it and press File --> Extract DSDT. After 2-15 seconds, your DSDT should appear on the screen.

Dsdtse for mac osDsdtse for mac os

[edit]DSDT Patches

Having a patch for your motherboard is essential to create your own DSDT, if you couldn't find one online. A large collection of patches are available here: DSDT motherboard patches Assuming you followed the steps above to extract the DSDT from your BIOS, now we are going to apply the patch. Navigate to Patch --> Open, and choose the patch that you downloaded for your motherboard. Once the patch window pops up, press Apply. After a few seconds, navigate to IASL --> Compile . Once the window pops up, there may be a few errors. If so, press 'Fix Errors.' Once it's finished, you have your DSDT. Navigate to IASL --> Save AML As... , and save it as DSDT.aml .


  • DSDT simple editor V1.4.3 - EvOsx86
  • DSDT editor - El Coniglio
  • DSDT Auto-Patcher - MaLd0n
  • DSDT Patcher, a tool to fix your DSDT - InsanelyMac
  • Iaslme Drag/Drop GUI for decompiler iasl - InsanelyMac
  • MaciASL Native ACPI Machine Language IDE for OS X - Sourceforge
Dsdtse For Mac

Dsdt Editor For Mac

[edit] Sources for patched DSDTs

  • Cartri from Brazil provides 'Mac Edition' BIOSes for Gigabite P43/P45 motherboards with a patched DSDT.[1]
  • List of DSDT patches for the Asus P5E3 Premium (should work for most ASUS P5* motherboards) [2]
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Dsdtse Mac

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